TechPro Services

Who we are

Founded in 2018, we are an organization you can trust, set on providing you the best possible balance between high quality, time-efficient, and inexpensive solutions. Our services combine simplicity and speed, while also providing you powerful solutions a few clicks away. We believe that speed and power can happen at the same time, which is why we test everything we make on lightweight computers, making sure that no matter how new or old your computer is, our applications will run smoothly.

Current Partnerships

Digital Parfait Electronics

This is currently the most active and powerful partnership formed with TechPro Services. It allows services to be extended to macOS, via Tech Labs and Curbai.

Digital Parfait Electronics

TechPro, founder and CEO

TechPro started business in 2018 as "The Tech Assistant." After gaining experience in the technical field, they modified their logo and changed their business name to TechPro Services. TechPro Services has helped with online classroom issues, and developed and implemented communication tools that are still in use today.

Tech Labs, external partner

Tech Labs, Curbai, and TechPro Services partnered in 2021 to form Digital Parfait Electronics. The partnership has resulted in a smooth transfer of information in and out of different systems. Tech Labs provides apps that make life on MacOS much easier and more customizable.

Curbai, external partner

Tech Labs, Curbai, and TechPro Services partnered in 2021 to form Digital Parfait Electronics. The partnership has resulted in a smooth transfer of information in and out of different systems.