TechPro Services

We value your privacy

In the digital world we live in, privacy online is more important than ever! That's why we strive to collect as little information about you as we can. We don't use cookies or trackers to collect data about how you use our site. Our goal is to never know when you click a button on our site. We are completely transparent about our data, and don't plan to change that!

What we collect

When you access our website, your browser sends us some information about what browser and computer you're using. This information is accessible to all websites, and makes sure that the correct type of webpage reaches your device. We collect this information to ensure the best experience possible, by seeing which browsers we need to develop for.

Some of our services require the use of your name in order to provide you with basic functionality. In any circumstances involving your name, you will be presented with a dialogue informing you that you are about to share your name with us and will allow you to revoke that permission at any time.

What happens to your data

Data from our website is quickly processed, and then stored temporarily. No data is shared to any outside organization, and no data is ever shared to advertisers.

Services that require access to your data will never share your data with outside sources. Your data will be stored securely, and never be used to identify you outside of providing critical functionality.